This is the wall, now, after the latest argument between Mr. Horrible-man and Heartless. Now before we get into the story of the latest argument, i'll give you a little back story on these two characters. Mr. Horrible-man doesn't quite always live up to his self-proclaimed name. He is a lover at heart, and wishes to remain so, but he can also be as wild as a baited shark in warm, bloody waters. Horrible-man has been through many heartbreaks in his lifetime, which has hit his self-esteem, although he wont admit it. Mr. Horrible-Man was not the "popular" kid in school, as a matter of fact, when he was younger, he had a horrible self image, because of how large he was, which in turn made him workout to better himself, but it never healed his wounded heart. Often left alone to figure out the world himself, he grew slightly jaded to the people and the world around him, justifying his reclusive and introverted nature. Although he never realizes it, he can speak well with people, and make many friends, but when told so, he either doesn't believe it, or doesn't care. He looks to the acceptance and approval of women to fully justify his being, and his happiness, which has started his relationship with Heartless to turn for the worse.
Now Heartless, on the other hand, is similar but completely different in most respects. She too, was a late bloomer when it came to looks, and she also worked hard to create confidence, and make herself desirable to the opposite sex. However, she is independent, strong-willed, and an extrovert. Heartless is a social being, with lots of great friends and wonderful colleagues, and she needn't gain the justification from a mate or the fact of having one, to justify her own existence on this plane. She is dominant, and likes to believe she is fairly intelligent. She lives on the fact that she doesn't need anyone, but loves having them around, and feels as if she doesn't take them for granted, because she doesn't use them. She works hard, goes to school, and is trying to maintain a balanced life. She wants happiness and fulfillment, she wants a lover who is self-sufficient and a similar thinker. In her past relationships, she has been used, (never abused, because she doesn't put up with that crap) cheated on, lied to, and even verbally broken down about looks or what have you. She isn't quick to trust anyone, and those who break her trust rarely gain it back.
Now on to the story-
One fateful day, this last June, Heartless and Mr. Horrible-man met up and fell for each other quickly. Mr. Horrible-man was in great shape, had thick, gorgeous hair, and was into the metal scene. He didn't seem to take shit from anyone, he appeared very confident, and someone who was social and laughed a lot. He was sweet and caring, without a care in the world. Heartless was confident, with a hop in her step and an open heart and mind. She came upon Mr. Horrible man with dark eyes fringed beneath thick lashes, and a smile. Three months later, they moved in together. Not necessarily because they had both thought it out, agreed on it, and figured they could do it fine...but more so because both of their living situations had gone to hell, and they both needed somewhere to go. It seemed easy at the time
It started with minor arguments of how Mr. Horrible-man needed to clean more, and get more hours at work, because Heartless was so busy with work and school that she barely had the energy to work on the house. It went into Mr. Horrible-man being overly jealous of Heartless' male friends, Heartless still being upset about the house, and how Mr. Horrible-man wasn't contributing worse. Heartless had found Mr. Horrible-man going though her computer, cell phone, and even her personal journal. This jaded her quite a bit. Unfortunately for Heartless, who was never one to snoop, Mr. Horrible-man's unexplained insecurities caused her to check his cellphone. She had found some incriminating text-messages of his, between him and a girl named Number 1. She was heartbroken at this point. They lived together, and this woman only a few miles away thought he had been single for the last 6 months, and he let her believe so, flirting with her, the whole nine yards. Heartless stepped out of her normal boundaries and talked to Number 1 herself. Not in a bad, angry, type of way, but a softer approach. She had heard everything she needed to know. Mr. Horrible-man came up with 4 different stories, to make up for his obvious folly, which were all lies. Heartless reluctantly forgave him.
Not a week later, after Mr. Horrible-man had promised he'd never do such again, she saw his message list on a website, still logged in on her computer. She didn't need to read them, but merely the titles, to know he had once again, done what he said he wouldn't. Heartless' trust was completely gone. Horrible, right? Well, once again, he cried, he sobbed, he promised love, and she broke it off with him. But his depression got to her, and she gave him another shot, just to find out he did it again. The pictures between the girls Number 8 and Number 9, and Mr. Horrible man, hurt her the most. But, each time she found another woman, more messages, she got less and less depressed, and more over him, and his lies. Even when caught, he would try to cover up the story. How sad, Heartless only wanted honesty.
Now after all of this, they still argue over trust. Each at times, wondering why they still give it a shot day to day. Arguing over this and that.. and then the wall. Mr. Horrible man has a disgusting habit of breaking things when he is angry. Do you think this is a red flag? I sure do! So where does one turn when two people live together, and almost all of the love is gone, but neither has any other place to go? Kids, this is why you should never move in with someone you don't completely love, or understand. I see too many people in loveless marriages and unhappy relationships. Be smart, get out of it, find someone that respects you! AND THE DAMN SECURITY DEPOSIT! Poor wall :(
Talk about a scary story. That is very true, everyone should be very careful who they choose to move in with and who they choose to give their love too. Make sure they deserve it first!